OnePoint DataFactory
Commercial applications of Big Data
for automating a car dealer's business
Automated data handling
Advanced data processing tools to reveal the full power of big data
Create in-demand offerings and analyze customer preferences
Use historical information about existing clients to create relevant value offerings
New intelligent tools for sales and promotions
Smart marketing and upselling via relevant offerings
Relying on purely organic growth of sales no longer works. Companies that fail to give up outdated business models risk facing huge cash gaps and disappearing into obscurity.
Data Factory Advantages
Buyer personas and segmentation
Create buyer personas and segment them via behavioral data analysis
Quick results
Get business results soon. Instant data analysis tools allow you to start using the data right away
Simple integration
Easily integrate into your existing IT infrastructure without significant changes in business processes
Sales and marketing automation
Automate promotional campaigns, from planning to running and to analyzing the results
Trend identification and hypothesis testing
Use flexible reporting and analytical tools to identify trends and test marketing hypotheses
Call Center and speech recognition
Create a single call center with marketing campaign integration and speech recognition
Ready to gain more information about integration case studies in Automotive?
CRM and solutions to embed Big Data into
existing business processes

Business analysis tools
Collect data for marketing research
and analytical models

Data Lake
Integration and unified Big Data storage

Internal and external systems
Various data sources are supported:
SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Parquet, etc.

Master Data Record Manager (MDM)
Better data quality for creating relevant offerings. Manage, standardize, and supplement critical data

Master Data Record Manager
Improving data quality improves decision making, marketing, productivity, and proposals.
MDM Customers
Manage customer information to standardize, deduplicate, and enrich data, including addresses, names, phone numbers, passports, emails, etc.
Merge and split data
Ensure relevant information about customers and products based on data from different sources and systems
MDM Spares
Standardize regulatory and reference information on cars, spare parts, legal entities, etc.
Automatic data control and error correction
API for backward integration
Integrate with existing systems: ERP, CRM, accounting, HR, etc.
Automated detection of duplicates
Identify duplicate data to reduce costs and mitigate reputation risks. For example, you won't send the same SMS to one client twice from different branches
Automotive CRM
Marketing and Sales Tools allow to acquire new customers, retain existing ones, and provide better products and services
Customer segmentation
Customer profile and activity history. Segment and filter customers by various parameters
Marketing campaigns
Manage and automate marketing campaigns and date-based events: birthdays, seasonal promotions, etc.
Personal data access control
Coordinate marketing campaigns in a systematic way, with flexible role and access configuration
Channel management
Manage various communication channels: SMS, email, contextual ads, landing pages
Marketing knowledge base
Search marketing campaign texts. Supports morphology, tags, ratings, and statuses
Trend identification
Use flexible reporting and analytical tools to identify trends and test marketing hypotheses
Tailor-made solution for your business
Project-based approach
Individual, project-based approach
Right combination of solutions
Depends on the number of systems to integrate, data volumes, and the components to implement
Direct warranty support
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